Tournai lun 23 sep 2024 à 20h00 et lun 7 oct 2024 à 20h00

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An $800 Million technique?


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A recent ranking of the richest Hollywood celebrities showed a surprising number one: Jerry Seinfeld. His wealth of $800 million was almost twice as much as the no 2 and 3, (Tom Cruise and Johnny Depp). In this video Seinfeld describes, with his typical sense of humor, how Transcendental Meditation was the secret of his seemingly unlimited creativity and energy, allowing him to be both the main writer, producer and main actor of one of the most successful sitcoms in the world for 9 years in a row.

Jerry Seinfeld is one of the David Lynch Foundation’s biggest donors.

Apprenez la Méditation Transcendantale à Tournai

Tournai, 7501, TOURNAI Cliquez ici pour voir la carte


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Date et heure
lun 9 sep 2024, 20h00 on Zoom *
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lun 23 sep 2024, 20h00 on Zoom *
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lun 7 oct 2024, 20h00 on Zoom *
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lun 21 oct 2024, 20h00 on Zoom *
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* aura lieu : SPRING BOX COWORKING, Chaussée de Lille, 479, 7501, TOURNAI


Tournai, 7501, TOURNAI


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Professeur(s) de MT

Claudio Scubla 0475/714.865

Charly Quéheille 0490460170

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